DX University™

  A Guide for DXers and DXpeditioners

DX University - Faculty

Rich Seifert (KE1B)

Rich Seifert (KE1B) was first licensed as WN2DLJ in 1968 in NYC. Obtained Extra Class license in 1970.


After moving to Massachusetts and changing his call to KE1B, went QRT from 1982-2007.


Primarily a DX’er and contester, over the past 4 years, he and Anna W6NN have raised “Holiday DXpeditioning” to an art form.



Calls: KE1B, PJ2/KE1B, VP5/KE1B, VP2EAQ, V25M, EA8/KE1B, 9H3MMM, J38MM and of course, K6MMM


KE1B - Using Vacation Operating To Learn DXpeditioning.pptx