DX University™

  A Guide for DXers and DXpeditioners

DX University - Faculty

Bob Locher (W9KNI)

Bob was born in 1942 and raised in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. He was first licensed in 1956 as KNØHGB. Bob has the unique distinction of having his novice license test administered and signed off by Art Collins, WØCXX, a family friend who introduced Bob to amateur radio.

Bob was fascinated by DX from the start - his first 15 meter as novice class operator and his first significant DX was JA1ADN. As a Novice, Bob earned the Worked All Continents award and was the fourth Novice to do so. He upgraded to General Class and continued to chase DX, primarily on CW.

After a few years off the air thanks to school, family and job distractions, Bob became active again with a new call, W9KNI, reflecting a new QTH in northern Illinois, and started chasing DX again. Bob became a member of NIDXAuntil 1994 when he followed a long held ambition and moved to the west, where has continued chasing DX.

Bob was co-founder of Bencher, Inc., maker of CW Paddles, Skyhawk yagis and Butternut antennas. Bob also founded Idiom Press, which is now owned by his son Rob W7GH. Bob was the inspiration for the renewal of the CQ DX Marathon annual DX chase. Bob is on the DXCC Honor Roll for CW and mixed.

Bob is the author of two books, "The Complete DX'er" and the recently published "A Year of DX," as well as numerous articles in amateur radio magazines. In 2009 and 2010 Bob was the world wide winner of the CQ DX Marathon. In 2010 Bob was inducted into the CQ DX Hall of Fame.

Bob is married to the ever patient Judy, and has three children. He now raises antennas on a 20 acre parcel near Grants Pass, Oregon.


W9KNI - Finding, Listening and Preparing to Call.ppt
W9KNI - Getting Them In The Log.pdf